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Veteran's Affairs

We recognize and appreciate the contributions and sacrifices that our Active Duty Service members, Reservists, Guardsmen, Veterans and Dependents have made for our country. Garrett College seeks to create an enhanced learning environment by providing military, veterans, and their dependents with support and resources in a friendly atmosphere. Garrett strives to address the unique issues and challenges these students face when entering the college environment. Garrett is committed to giving back to those who serve our country and the family members who support them.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is the only resource that can answer your personal and specific GI Bill® entitlement questions. We encourage you to call 1-888-GIBILL-1 or visit Regardless of your eligibility, you may also qualify for other forms of Federal and State Financial Aid. To determine eligibility please fill out a FAFSA on line at

Choosing Your GI Bill® Benefits

If you meet the eligibility requirements for the Post-9/11 GI Bill®, as well as other benefit types, such as the Montgomery GI Bill®, you will be required to choose which benefit you wish to receive. For some individuals, your choice may be irrevocable. The Post-9/11 GI Bill® may provide a better benefits package in terms of eligibility criteria, period of eligibility and financial value in comparison to existing educational benefit programs that remain in effect. However, the best program for you, if you are eligible for multiple educational benefit programs, will depend on your individual circumstance. Visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs eligibility requirements that apply for specific benefits and compare these benefits to those offered under other GI Bill®s.

Information about your benefits

  • Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill®

    The Montgomery GI Bill® (MGIB) generally applies to Veterans who began active duty service for the first time after July 1, 1985 and had their pay reduced $100/month for 12 months and received an honorable discharge. This bill provides up to 36 months of educational benefits to eligible Veterans. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following the Veterans release from active duty
  • Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation

    Vocational Rehabilitation provides benefits to service members who have served on or after September 16, 1940 and have a service connected disability which is at least 20% disabling as defined by VA. Additionally it must be determined that vocational rehabilitation is needed to overcome an employment handicap. Eligible veterans may be allowed up to 48 months of full-time benefits. Veterans generally have 12 years from the date they are notified of their entitlement to the program to use the benefits. Your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) will work with you to determine if you meet the entitlement criteria.
  • Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill®

    Chapter 33- Post 9/11 GI Bill® provides up to 36 months of full-time education benefits. Benefits are generally payable for 15 years following your release from active duty.

    Payments are based on the amount of service you completed after September 10, 2001. You will receive a larger benefit if you served more active duty or mobilization time.

    If you are eligible for benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill®, you may receive a(n):

    • Payment for tuition and fees sent directly to the college.
    • Monthly housing allowance.
    • Annual book stipend up to $1,000.

    Maximum benefits are earned if you served an aggregate of 36 months or more on active duty service or after 30 days of continuous service if you were discharged for a service connected disability after September 10, 2001. If you served between 90 days and 36 months of aggregate active duty service, you will be eligible for a percentage of the maximum benefits.

    Note: The housing allowance and books and supplies stipend are not payable if you are on active duty or enrolled as a half-time student or less.

  • Chapter 35 - Dependent/Survivor

    Survivors and Dependents Benefits provide educational benefits to spouses and children of veterans who either died while in service, died as a result of a service-connected disability, or became totally and permanently disabled as a result of their military service. Survivors and dependents are allowed 45 months of full-time benefits. Spouses have 10 years from the date of the veteran's effective date of permanent and total disability rating or the veteran's death. Dependents' benefits end on their 26th birthday or eight years from the veteran's effective date of permanent or total disability rating or the veteran's death, but not after the dependent's 31st birthday. Please visit for additional survivor benefit information. For additional information regarding eligibility, students should contact the U.S. Veterans Affairs Office at 1-800-827-1000.

  • Chapter 1606 - Selective Reserve Educational Assistance

    • Chapter 1606 provides up to 36 months of benefits to members of the selective reserves. This includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard Reserves, Army National Guard and the Air Guard. A reservist is allowed 36 months of full-time benefits.

  • Chapter 1607 - Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)

    The Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607) is available to students who are members of the Selected Reserves, Individual Ready Reserve, and National Guard and were called to active service in response to a war or national emergency. The Department of Defense or Department of Homeland Security determines eligibility but generally a member of a Reserve component who serves on active duty on or after September 11, 2001 for at least 90 days is eligible.

Veteran Checklist

  1. Apply for VA Education Benefits.

    The United States Department of Veterans Affairs application for VA benefits can be completed online. You may also call speak with a Veterans Benefits Counselor at 1-888-GI-BILL-1 for personalized assistance.

  2. Apply for admission to the college.

    Garrett College Applications can be completed online at or contact an Admissions Representative at 301-387-3044.

  3. Submit all official transcripts to Records & Registration.

    Submit official copies of the following transcripts that apply:

  4. Schedule an appointment with an academic advisor.

    Once accepted to Garrett College, you will be contacted by Admissions to schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor.

  5. Submit Certification of VA Educational benefits from the VA.

    You must complete:

    You may need complete:

    • Application for Request for Change of Program or Place of Training (22-1995)
    • Application for Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits (22-5490)
    • Application for Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits (22-5490)
    • Application for Family Member to Use Transferred Benefits (22-1990E)
  6. Complete a Letter of Intent EACH semester

    The Letter of Intent MUST be completed each semester (with the School Certifying Official) in which benefits are being processed. It is the students’ responsibility to update that form with any and all schedule changes.

  7. Report ALL schedule/degree changes and contact information

    All students utilizing VA benefits are required to report all changes, including but not limited to: contact information, class schedule, adds/drops/withdraws, or incomplete grades to the School Certifying Official immediately. Withdrawing for classes after the add/drop period could incur a debt to the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Services to Veterans:

  • GI Bill® Calculator ( )
  • Student Veterans of America Club
    • The Student Veterans Club was formed to serve Garrett College student veterans, military students, and students who are family members of those in the military. Previous activities include meetings, guest speakers, trips and other activities that provide a place to meet both formally and socially in an environment of mutual support.
  • On-Campus Exclusive Veteran Lounge
  • On-Campus VA Benefit Representatives monthly

To discuss any VA questions you may have please contact 301-387-3057

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at